Hello there.

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My name is Laurel. That's me over there. I am a publishing professional with experience in marketing and publicity, project management, writing, editing, and design. I have an MA in Writing and Publishing from Portland State University, and a BA in English from the University of Oregon.

I got into this work, first and foremost, because I believe the stories we tell matter, and because I love helping people find narratives that resonate with them.

People I've had the pleasure of working with in the past include the fine folks at Pomegranate Communications, D.C. Jacobson & Associates Literary AgencyHarper PerennialOoligan PressTin House Books, and Zeal Books. (And before I went to grad school, I worked at Nike for a couple of years—I’ve been around.) You can see my résumé here. Want to work together? Get in touch!